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II International Meeting on Archaeology and Historical Linguistics of the Indigenous Languages of South America

V International Meeting on Tupían Languages and Cultures

Tribute to Aryon Dall'Igna Rodrigues

Tribute to Aryon Dall'Igna Rodrigues

August 4–8, 2016

University of Brasília

It is with great pleasure that the Laboratory of Languages and Literatures of the Indigenous Languages of the University of Brasília announces the Fifth International Meeting on Tupían Languages and Cultures and the Second International Meeting on Archaeology and Historical Linguistics of the Indigenous Languages of South America that will be held in Brasília on August 4–8, honoring Aryon Dall’Igna Rodrigues.


This dedication is intended to express the gratitude of the University of Brasília towards this extraordinary linguist and humanist, who contributed immensely to transforming it into an important and reputed center of linguistic research on the indigenous languages of Brazil and adjacent regions, as well as to acknowledge his commitment to the inclusion of indigenous students into postgraduate studies in linguistics and into projects aimed to support indigenous languages and cultures of Brazil.



Invited lecturers

Dr. Betty Mindlin, anthropologist, Biblioteca Brasiliana Guita e José Mindlin


Dr. Cândida Graciela Chamorro Arguello, historian, Federal University of Grande Dourados


Dr. Carmen Junqueira, anthropologist, Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo


Dr. Daniel Everett, linguist, Bentley University


Dr. Fabíola Andréa Silva, archaeologist, Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology of the University of São Paulo


Dr. Lucy Seki, linguista, State University of Campinas


Dr. Mércio Pereira Gomes, anthropologist, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro


Dr. Nelson Papávero, zoologist, Museum of Zoology of the University of São Paulo


Dr. Pablo Diener, historian, Federal University of Mato Grosso


Dr. Rodolfo Marcial Cerron Palomino, linguista, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru


Dr. Ruth Maria Foninni Monserrat, linguist, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro


Dr. Sarah Gray Thomason, linguist, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor


Dr. Terrence Kaufman, linguist, professor emeritus, University of Pittsburgh


Dr. Willem Adelaar, linguist, University of Leiden


Dr. Wolf Dietrich, linguist, University of Münster


Revista Brasileira de Linguística Antropológica, Vol. 8, n. 1


Línguas e Culturas Tupí IV. Org. Ana Suelly Arruda Câmara Cabral, Andérbio Márcio Silva Martins, Jorge Domingues Lopes, Sanderson Castro Soares de Oliveira and Edineia Isidoro.

Fragmentum 46 (Jul–Dec 2015). Linguística. As línguas indígenas no e do Brasil – Uma Homenagem a Aryon Dall’Igna Rodrigues.
Org. Ana Suelly Arruda Câmara Cabral (UnB) and Verli Petri (UFSM).


História Kaiowá: Das origens aos desafios contemporâneos, por Graciela Chamorro. São Bernardo do campo: Nhanduti Editora, 2015, 314 pp..


Povos Indígenas em Mato Grosso do Sul: História, Cultura e Transformações Sociais. Org. Graciela Chamorro and Isabelle Combès. Grande Dourados: Editora UFGD, 2015, 934 pp.

Scientific Committee

Dr. Andérbio Márcio Martins (UFGD)


Dr. Carmen Junqueira (PUC-SP)


Dr. Cristina Martins Fargetti (UNESP)


Dr. Pablo Diener (UFMT)


Dr. Enrique Huelva Unterbäumen (UnB)


Dr. Jorge Domingues Lopes (UFPA)


Dr. Mércio Pereira Gomes (UFRJ)


Ana Suelly Arruda Câmara Cabral (LALLI, IL, UnB)


Enrique Huelva Unterbäumen (IL, UnB)

Deadlines for submission of papers and other important dates

Abstract submissions:

until June 20, 2016*

*To ensure your participation with paper presentation, we suggest you to anticipate your registration with abstract submission.



until June 30, 2016


Article submissions:

until October 30, 2016

Realização e Promoção /
Realization and Promotion:
Apoio / Support:

Laboratório de Línguas e Literaturas Indígenas da Universidade de Brasília
 Campus Universitário Darcy Ribeiro, ICC Sul, Sala BSS 231 - Caixa Postal: 4395 – CEP: 70.904-970 - Brasília – DF - Tel: +55 61 3107- 7218

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